Four Family Trees


May, 2021

This website contains current GEDCOM exports of four related family databases.  Each of the links below will take you to the name list for the respective database.  Rather than attempting to link between the databases as the family trees intersect, I have chosen to duplicate individuals (the descendants of Jane Jordan Enberg and William Harvey Kindel) in all four databases.

NB:  The information on this website is largely unverified. 
It should not be relied upon for formal genealogical research.


  1. The Danner database dates to 1445, following the direct descent to "Civil War Joe" Danner, who was born in Munich in 1826 and died at the Battle of Chickamauga, GA during the American Civil War.  Joe's daughter, Amelia Sophia (Minnie A.) Danner and George John Kindel were my great grandparents.  The Danner Family genealogist, Jeff Danner, has fully documented this information with the Cincinnati Historical Society (library call number MSVF3484).
  2. The Enberg database dates to about 1798 and attempts to identify all the descendants of Gustav Enberg and Wilhelmina Rödecke, whose grandsons, Johan and Henry, married daughters of Thomas Newham and Eliza Shipley.  Jane Jordan Enberg and William Harvey Kindel are my parents.  The Enberg family genealogist is Nate Paxton of Littleton, MA.  I have come into possession of the Enberg Family Bible (in Swedish), which I have photographed in part.  I have also included a collection of scanned photos and documents .
  3. The Harvey database dates to 1724 and attempts to identify all the descendants of James Harvie and Janet Corse.  Effie Juliet Harvey and Arthur William Kindel were my grandparents.  I have no information as to the documentation that backs it up.
  4. The Kindel database dates to about 1600 and attempts to identify the (Kiendl) ancestors and all the descendants of Simon Kindel (Johann Simon Kiendl) and Ursula Lindner, my great3 grandparents.  The emphasis of this effort is upon completeness and the rediscovery of branches of the family with which we have lost touch.  The names, dates, and locations are not necessarily backed up with formal documentation.  I am indebted to Kathryn Brown, Curtis Clay, Celia Said, and Dan Kindel for the wealth of information they have provided for their respective branches of the Kindel clan.  I have also included a collection of scanned photos and documents.

Each of the four families is headed by a page with the following contents:

Families are dynamic.  There are births, deaths, marriages, and divorces.  These databases are always in need of updates, which is why this page is dated.  Please report any errors or omissions to myself or to the other family genealogists mentioned above.  Many thanks.

The contents of this website are Copyright ©2004-2021 by Bill Kindel and original contributors.  All rights are reserved to the copyright holders.  The content on this website may not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part except to individual family members listed herein or to their immediate families (parents, spouse, and children) without explicit permission of the publisher.

Bill Kindel, Publisher
802 Navajo Avenue
Fort Morgan, CO  80701