Kindel Family Tree

Descendants of Simon Kindel*

May, 2021

This site contains the GEDCOM export of the Kindel family database, which dates to about 1800 and attempts to identify all the descendants of Simon Kindel* and Ursula Lindner, my great3 grandparents.  I have also expanded the database for easy browsing.  Simply point your browser to enter the List of Surnames, the List of People, or to start at the top with Simon Kiendl.  There is also a pair of downloadable Descendant charts in Portable Data Format for those who prefer hard copies.  Kiendl (Bavaria) starts around 1600 in the “old country” through the first generation of our immigration to the United States, Kindel (America) continues the chart from there (with an overlap).

The emphasis of this effort is upon completeness and the rediscovery of branches of the family with which we have lost touch.  The names, dates, and locations are not backed up with formal documentation.  I am indebted to Kathryn Brown, Curtis ClayDan Kindel, Mary Margaret Kindel, and Celia Said for the wealth of information they have provided for their respective branches of the Kindel clan, and to, whose resources have been invaluable in our searches.  I have also included a collection of scanned photos and documents for your perusal.

NB:  The information on this site is largely unverified.

It should not be relied upon for formal genealogical research.

Families are dynamic.  There are births, deaths, marriages, and divorces.  These databases are always in need of updates, which is why this page is dated.  Please report any errors or omissions to myself or to the other family genealogists mentioned above.  Many thanks in advance to each of you for your contributions.

I am also indebted to Dan Pidcock for his PERL script and its accompanying gedcomToHTML.prefs, both of which are included here, along with the g2h package, of which they are part.  I used them to create the Kindel Family Database, which graces this part of the web site, and which is not dependent on any particular Genealogical software.

The contents of this site are Copyright ©2004-2021 by Bill Kindel and the original contributors.  All rights are reserved to the copyright holders.  These files may not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part except to individual family members listed herein or to their immediate families (parents, spouse, and children) without explicit permission of the publisher.

* Simon's birth record spells his name Kienl; his marriage record spells it Kiendl.  The name was Americanized to Kindel.

Bill Kindel, Publisher
802 Navajo Avenue
Fort Morgan, CO  80701